

Airflow Backfill Tools

  • Worked with a team of 3 to design and build the infrastructure that allows users to submit backfill requests to Airflow. Implemented the backfill workers that uses Apache Airflow backfill command to carry out the backfill job for extended periods, manages and retries failed jobs, and surfaces non-retryable errors to end users.
  • Conducted mini user research to gather feedback and implemented the features that eases the adoption of the tools.
  • Saved 5+ engineer hrs/week

Sage Bionetworks


The code base for server and its Java client.

Discussion Feature

Access Control Tool

Refactor Java Client

  • Rewrote the Synapse Java Client implementation to use SimpleHttpClient.
  • Enabled other applications including the Bridge Exporter that is using the Synapse Java Client to programmatically restart its connection pool when an existing connection pool is saturated because of a connection leak or other reasons.


Data collected from server are stored in S3. Synapse-Warehouse-Workers imports the captured snapshots into its partitioned MySQL database and pre-processes them, allowing its client to query against these data for reports.

Learn more


The web client of

  • UI for Discussion feature
  • UI for Docker feature


A thin wrapper around Apache's HttpClient to provide a set of simple interfaces to be used for HTTP calls that only transfer json objects.


The R client of

The Build System


Folked from PythonInR repository.

Data Conversion

  • Added testthat and a set of test cases to ensure the conversion behaviors.
  • Fixed bugs related to converting data from Python 3 to R.
  • Ensured private methods in Python object are not exposed in R.

Python Package Wrapper Utilities

  • Extended PythonEmbedInR package to include utilities functions that generate R wrappers, and documentations for Python packages.
  • Allowed R users to select functions, classes, Enums, and module to expose in R.
  • Enabled R users to intercept and alter the returned object in R.
  • Provided instructions and examples on how to create an R package by wrapping a Python package.


The Python client of

Enable Single Thread

  • Added the ability to use the Synapse Python client in a single threaded environment (in synapser).

House Keeping

  • Stablized the integration tests.
  • Improve development builds from taking several days to taking ~20 minutes.
  • Simplified integration tests for using only one test user, only exercising the http call, not the server's logic.
  • Directed the integration tests to build against a development stack.

Communication Channels

  • Exposed released notes on the Synapse Python client docs.
  • Highlighted deprecated methods in the Synapse Python client docs.


Collections of IT tasks.

Test User for Development Stack

  • Added a build to create a test user for a development stack.
  • Allowed client builds to run integration tests against the development stack.